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Since 1995 we’ve been a leader in providing furniture to the NZ residential and commercial markets. We’ve learned a thing or two in our time, allow us to pass that wealth of knowledge on to you and whatever your project may be.
To us, it’s not just work – we take pride in the solutions we deliver. We encourage each other to achieve excellence in all endeavours and aren’t satisfied until projects meet our own personal high standards.
Auckland Showroom & Warehouse
9 am – 5 pm
9 am – 5 pm
9 am – 5 pm
9 am – 4 pm
Email Appointment
Christchurch Home Ideas Display
Why our customers choose us
Your time is precious. We understand you want designer furniture that’s elegant, comfortable, and of exceptional quality. Our collections result from years of research and sourcing, we’ve done the work so you don’t have to. Choose us for effortless style, comfort, and quality.
Free Shipping
Orders over the free shipping threshold will be eligible. Main centre addresses only. RD surcharge applies.
Customer Support
Don’t hesitate to share your questions or concerns with us, we strive to deliver the best solution to fit your criteria.
Eco Friendly
Ask about our 100% recyclable options to reduce your ecological footprint, & help fight waste & pollution.
3rd Party Testing
Options with 200kg+ weight ratings. 3rd party strength tests, & certification to EU & International standards.
Commercial Quality
Commercial grade furniture articles built to withstand heavy hospitality & commercial use. For your peace of mind.
Great Warranties
Options with manufacturer backed international warranties that cover both residential and commercial use.
Orders over the free shipping threshold will be eligible. Main centre addresses only. RD surcharge applies.
Ask about our 100% recyclable options to reduce your ecological footprint, & help fight waste & pollution.
Don’t hesitate to share your questions or concerns with us, we strive to deliver the best solution to fit your criteria.
Options with 200kg+ weight ratings. 3rd party strength tests, & certification to EU & International standards.
Commercial grade furniture articles built to withstand heavy hospitality & commercial use. For your peace of mind.
Options with manufacturer backed international warranties that cover both residential and commercial use.